Im Shona! if u didnt no tht already!
i now go 2 OSH where ive got sum of the best m8s ever!
im a complete cripple 24/7!
yup first i dodge my ankle up hurdlin an then suddenly i start 2 loose the feelin an blood circulation in my arm (yer i no wierd right), so im now 1 rib down unable 2 write, cant lift my left arm up all the way, hav a nice scar lol, an im now also waitin 4 another op now on my ankle! wow yay! i might aswell hav my own bed in hospital at this rate! anyway b4 i became such a cripple i used 2 b a very sporty person, hurdles, rock climbin, hockey, sufin, anythin im up 4 it! If u wanna know an tlk some more just add me on msn [email protected]
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