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About Me

My name is raquel Stanbury and I am 18 years of age!I am mixed race(QUATER POLISH,QUATER RUSSIAN, AND HALF UGANDAN).I am quite an out-going fun loving person really (maybe I am being slightly biast- those who know me please stop me if I have pushed the boat out TOO far). I live with my father- Bernard Stanbury, who is my best friend ,aswell as parent, which is indeed a blessing twice. My sister Carmella- is also like a best friend to me, who I do everything with and share everything with- and we have no secrets from eachother ( well I have no secrets from her).Like every teenager- I enjoy having fun with my friends- Id like to think I have a range of friends whom I can share different kinds of fun with! I also love spending time with my boyfriend (Morgan) who is the most beautiful person I have ever met. Firstly- my 2 pals who I have been friends with for a while,firstly Richaella who(believe it or not) I have been friends with since reception! CHESUS, THTS A LONGGGGGGGG MAAAAA-FUKIN TIME! Roseanne- we too have been friends for a long time ( about 5/6 years). I love all my friends dearly,(sorry I cant name you all) and I would do the extreme for ALL my friends, the same way I would hope for them to do for me. Like every NORMAL girl, I like clubbing and partying til 6 in he morning, but I do know my limits! I am currently on a gap year, and will go travelling in April to Uganda, Brazil, Argentina, Parguay, Uruguay, Chile,Sydney,Perth, New Zealand,Singapore and Hong Kong! I'm passionate about Art(DRAWING)I also love Acting;hence why I chose theatre studies and Fine Art for my A-levels! Thats all I have to write for now,seeing as my fingers are KILLING ME!Just to let you know that I don't realy go on myspace that often, so if you need to get in touch, and I don't respond to you via myspace, try e-mailing me or alternatively try me on facebook! oMyspace Layouts by Pimp-My-
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successful people

My Blog


On Sat 31st March @ Pitcher and Piano located in Liverpool Street (london) will be held the BIGGEST......... launch Party for any modelling agency around!!!!HF Model Management, the newest UK modellin...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:52:00 GMT