My name is raquel Stanbury and I am 18 years of age!I am mixed race(QUATER POLISH,QUATER RUSSIAN, AND HALF UGANDAN).I am quite an out-going fun loving person really (maybe I am being slightly biast- those who know me please stop me if I have pushed the boat out TOO far). I live with my father- Bernard Stanbury, who is my best friend ,aswell as parent, which is indeed a blessing twice. My sister Carmella- is also like a best friend to me, who I do everything with and share everything with- and we have no secrets from eachother ( well I have no secrets from her).Like every teenager- I enjoy having fun with my friends- Id like to think I have a range of friends whom I can share different kinds of fun with! I also love spending time with my boyfriend (Morgan) who is the most beautiful person I have ever met. Firstly- my 2 pals who I have been friends with for a while,firstly Richaella who(believe it or not) I have been friends with since reception! CHESUS, THTS A LONGGGGGGGG MAAAAA-FUKIN TIME! Roseanne- we too have been friends for a long time ( about 5/6 years). I love all my friends dearly,(sorry I cant name you all) and I would do the extreme for ALL my friends, the same way I would hope for them to do for me.
Like every NORMAL girl, I like clubbing and partying til 6 in he morning, but I do know my limits!
I am currently on a gap year, and will go travelling in April to Uganda, Brazil, Argentina, Parguay, Uruguay, Chile,Sydney,Perth, New Zealand,Singapore and Hong Kong!
I'm passionate about Art(DRAWING)I also love Acting;hence why I chose theatre studies and Fine Art for my A-levels!
Thats all I have to write for now,seeing as my fingers are KILLING ME!Just to let you know that I don't realy go on myspace that often, so if you need to get in touch, and I don't respond to you via myspace, try e-mailing me or alternatively try me on facebook!
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