Gabriel Flies :: records & publishing profile picture

Gabriel Flies :: records & publishing

We Have A Dream!!

About Me

www. GabrielFlies .com
[Visit our blog for the latest]
Gabriel Flies is an international full service music production and music publishing company.
We believe we have already proved how effective our vision and strategy is. Our customers appreciate working with a company able to look at their needs from different perspectives and delivers high quality music within a short turnaround time. Gabriel Flies has many years of creative and production management experience, gathered from a variety of globally recognised advertising agencies, production- and publishing companies.
Music Consultants
At Gabriel Flies we act as music consultants for your project. We have specialised in identifying the musical style and specific music track that will help your project succeed. We have experience in working with many kinds of moving pictures, including commercials, movies, web applications, TV and computer games.
The Team
We are an experienced and professional team, who never turns a deadline down. We are versatile and can work in every musical genre. We won’t let our personal taste influence our decision, but exclusively focus on finding the best musical solution for your visual expression.
Sometimes you will find, that our choice surprises you, but that might be just the right thing to do – we know what we are doing.
Your Decision
It’s your decision at what point in the process you want to involve us. Usually we prefer to be briefed as early in the process as possible – the first synopsis. That way we can help you in the creative process and ensure that no mistakes are made when it comes to the aural side of the project.
If we like the project, we are usually happy to help you if you are pitching a commercial, funding a movie etc. We want you to look at us as your musical fellowship, helping you in every possible way, so that we get the best possible result, at the right time, on the right budget.
The impact of music
It is a well known truth that the use of music helps your clients understand the ideas behind your pitch. Music talks directly to the feelings and can make a quick and sketched pitch be as thrilling or comic as a Hollywood trailer.
It can help you make the client feel comfortable and reassured that the final product will have a strong and precise appeal.
Legal terms and pricing
We manage the licensing issues of all the included music.
If your production needs a custom made track, we provide a set price within 1 working day from receiving the pitch.
If you decide an existing piece of music we manage the process of getting the permissions from the copyright holders. We will provide a price estimate for you within 1 working day. This enables you to try your options on a range of different musical choices.

buy our music here !!

My Interests


Member Since: 6/14/2006
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Jokeren - Den Tørstige Digter

Anmeldelse fra Ole Jakobsen hos DR:

... Mest vellykket er det første samarbejde, hvor den gamle baggårdstiger Belli giver masser af sjæl og bedstefaderlig erfaring til 'Hvad far siger' - en funky kærlighedserklæring til datteren Chilli produceret og cuttet op af verdensmesteren Dj Noize og Gabriel Flies. Her er der virkelig dømt stormestermøde ...
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Anmeldelse fra Esben Hjorth hos Soundvenue:

... Den nye lyd er mere forfriskende end overraskende men klæder Jokerens karakteristiske flow og er med til understøtte billedet af en modnet rapper, der stadigvæk har masser at byde på.
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Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Så er der musak!!!

Hej allesammen.Nu er det muligt at købe vores musik online. Pt er følgende numre klar til at ryge gennem indernettet og brage ud i jeres respektive højttalereGabriel Flies & -DJ Noize feat Jahi "Come ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 11:13:00 GMT

Noget Særligt

Så er der nyt fra Gabriel Flies.Vi er stolte af præsentere "Noget Særligt" for jer. Et frugtbart samarbejde med Dj Noize, Sphaeren og Per V.Nyd den.GF
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 05:37:00 GMT