yachtrock.kraut.bellydancing..hahaha yeah right. um.. pink tacos. lemongrass chicken courtside.motorboats chicks who are professional and make stuff with their hands. people who spell well but are better at writing whole stories. people who ground me.dreamy sounds generated by a cr-78 and anything micromusic.net has to offer..thanks art. shapeshifting jedi cloakers shambattle masters,kids who grew up. grown women who never forgot their child. bass. bass. more sub. less sub more sine wave fluctuation. clusterfuck every nintendo game sampled together in a nonsensical fashion that oddly makes sense in a sequence when listening from afar. or close up. acting. fucking with people in a costumed improv kind of way.
.. img src="http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.civil ization.ca/civil/maya/images/maybl03b.gif&imgrefurl=http ://www.civilization.ca/civil/maya/mmc02eng.html&h=262&am p;w=358&sz=62&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=WURbU-TUDV DokM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=121&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmaya%2 6svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DN" ..http://www.toddadams.net/images/wallpaper/hires/Monks%20at %20Ankgor%20Wat,%20Cambodia.jpg" ..http://www.2blowhards.com/archives/Angkor%20Wat.jpg" ..http://www.2blowhards.com/archives/Angkor%20Wat.jpg" ..http://static.flickr.com/40/104273175_723159218d.jpg" ..
well..hmm thats a good one.. why don't you find out by meeting me.
miyazaki. gondry the seven samurai non american everything. hows that. barakka spanish and mexican cinema. german mindfucks cultura. omni anything that immerses me and it uplifts..
what channel are you?
hmmm. the koran. anything by ...oh who am i kidding i never learned to read.. i was raised by wolves okay!!!!!
..my better nicer self that doesn't hurt anybody nor judge physically or mentally. people on the forefront of the fight for our spirit and humanity.oh yeah don't forget or mind...and HEART...duh people who have discovered their passion..skill or trade. and merrily merrily merrily...oh life...is....but..a. dream...oh yeah.. that japanese guy who made mario up..and donkey kongand bucky fuller..skateboarders in general..some chosen producers.babble on babylon