Well...I went to the doctor and had my suspicious mole removed. Now we're just waiting for the results, although all indications are that it is benign and not cancerous! Whew! I was really worried that it would be something more - guess it is a warning to us all to wear more sunscreen on a regular basis! Especially when living in Florida!!
Time is still flying by, and school is winding down! I know Chris and I are a little excited by the thought that we won't have to worry about to/from school trips after May 30th, but at the same time it means Eyrún's year is about to end. Less than 10 weekends left - even counting graduation, prom, or the weekend she leaves us. So really, it is more like 6 weekends...not much time. What we need to get her thinking about most though is getting all of her stuff home!?! LOL
Other than that, life continues. Luna is a pest at times, the weather is starting to get warmer again (almost bikini weather!), and the rockets and shuttles continue to go up - next one May 31st now I think.
We've also been busy with visits from family and friends. The best news though is that Jennifer & Rick are coming down to FINALLY visit us in Florida May 22-27th or so! Yea!!
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Hope everything is going well with you! :)