About Me
Ahem.Well, I'm Lucy-Mae :)I'm a bit scatty tbh :/ Love love love my friends and family, and coudln't ask for a better bunch of crazy people to keep me entertained. :)I don't sleep much, but s'all good. I like to go out with my sexcellent friends and get drunk, high, and in trouble :) That's what being a teen is all about I guess :D
I can't wait to be able to get tattooed. I lurv em, planning on getting a dragonfly on my wrist, a half sleve of flowers, a pin-up style murmaid on my lower back, and a few more :) I have 9 piercings (used to be 10) and would like some more please.Not really sure what I wanna be when I'm all growed up, maybe a tattoo artist, maybe a clinical psychologist, perhaps a scuba diver, or MAYBE, just a full time hobo. :) Who knows? I'm far to fickle to decide, and way to happy to care. All I know is I like where I am, and where i'm heading looks pretty sweet too :)
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