his own definition of himself: hott, sexy, && gangsta.
jus had to say that. okay, so anywaiz, this is SPRiNG , the most AWES0MESt person ever, hacking his page =] so wut to say about davey wavey...he's pretty kool, i guess. nahh, he is.. unless ur talking to him on the phone then he likes to be mean =p he runs varsity xc cuz he's hardocre li..dat (but im more hardcore cuz i can totallyyyyyy beat him up!), and plays varsity soccer. he goes to kubasaki high school, class of '09! El es mexicano y puertorriqueño. his favorite artist is n*sync, lol nahh jus jokes. oh and he needs a job so he can save money for australia! haha, hmmm ive known this guy for like 3 1/2 years now && hes my best friend =] even tho hes fifty gabazillion miles away. always there to talk to and cheer me up, && i can turn to him for pretty much anything. due to writers block && david's lack of help, im going to finish this up now, && i'll add more later. k denz, i miss u && love u david! *BAM!*
(yeaaa, i pimped out ur myspace for you.. haha, ur welcome =]).........................................................