HACK'DD by Aluna and Katleiah. WRD TW YR MTHR ;D
heyy omg selam is soooo awesome.. she is one of a kind.. dont mess with her! she is an awesome dancer.. and right now she is getting "hyphy" yaa awesome... well heres kat...
selam is AWESOME like ice cream on hot summers day. She's smooth like silk on rough a rough ditry ground. shes like the smell of cold, on a hot summers day. She's like Ryan Deem on a cold boring day. she's the SEX. ;D -KatleiahR.
I Selamawit Ainalem, I love sports. I play basketball, soccer, track, and volleyball. I love to dance and hang out with my friends I'm outgoing and make people laugh allot! AND!! anyone can IM me cause i like to chat poopdop04 (sweet isn't it, lol)
Are you hott? by evildj23
First Name ..type="text" name="First Name" value="selamawit"
Age ..type="text" name="Age" value="13"
Guy or Gal ..type="text" name="Guy or Gal" value="girl"
Your hottness is 10...WOW! ARE U SINGLE?!?!
..type="submit" value="Fill out your answers and try it on Memegen.net!" ..type="hidden" name="meme" value="1074628287"
Take the quiz:
What pickup line are you destined to use?
If I were a derivative, I'd be tangent to your curves!
Nerds are awesome. This line would probably only work on a nerd...
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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WhiCh AmErIcAs NeXt MoDeL aRe yOu? ((PiCTuReS))
u ArE KeeNyAh. YoU LoVe To HaVe FuN aS LoNg As ThInGs Go YoUr WaY. iF iT dOeSnT ThEn YoU gEt AN aTTiTuDe. BuT yOU aRe AlSo VeRy PrEttY aNd A gOoD FrIeNd!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz:
Which Laguna Beach Character are You?
You're Hot and like to party!!! Ms. Popular! Why have one boy when there are plenty to go around!? Plus you don't want anyone to tie you down when you're just trying to have fun.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz:
what celebrity bootay do you have? (girls only)
Youre sexy and know how to shake what your momma gave you!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You Are Super Spicy
You're a little bit crazy, a little bit naughty, and a whole lot of sexy.
You go beyond hot - you set people's senses on fire!
Are You Hot? ..