Member Since: 6/13/2006
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Band Members: Tug Jones, Jess J, Bucvet, Papa, Mr. Marzett, Mr. LG, Yung Duke, Jeff Legend, D Harris, B Harris, Tillis, & Eddie Block
Dream Remix
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Sounds Like:
::*Da BaSiCs*::
.:FuLL nAmE:. Jesse J Jones Jr.
.:AgE:. 24
.:BiRtHPlAcE:. Tulsa, OK
.:BiRtHdAii:. May 12, 1983
.:CuRrEnt LoCAtIoN:. Somewhere Grindin'
.:HAir CoLor:. Black
.:eYE cOlOR:. Brown
.:HeRiTaGe:. Black
.:sIngLE/TaKEn:. Rollin Solo for Now
.:SkOoL:. University of Tulsa '06
.:hEiGhT:. 6'3"
.:RiGhTy OR lEfTy:. Southpaw
::bOYfRiEnD/gIRlfRieND:: Not exactly
::CrUSh:: I'm sure someone out there has one on me
::nUmBEr Of Ex's:: not as many as you'd think
::pReFeReD tYpE:: God fearing, honest, loyal
::PrEfErED StYlE:: as long as she carry her self like a woman/ classy, I'm good
::lOnGeSt ReLaTiOnShIp:: 2 yrs
::sHoRtEsT rElaTiOnsHiP:: few hours
::*tHe OPpOsItE sEx*:
::hEigHT:: over 4'10" and under 7'0"
::EYE cOlOR:: who cares
::HAir CoLor:: doesn't matter as long as it aint no crazy shit
::StYle:: not too loud, but current
::WeiGhT:: as long as you carry it right, we can talk. Big girls need love too Craig
::PeRsOnaLiTy:: I don't do loud mouths, can't be corny either
::FiRsT tHiNg YoO nOtICe:: what comes out the mouth
::Turn OnS:: confidence, intelligence, class
::TuRN oFFs:: bad attitudes n dumb people
::BeStFrIEnd(s):: Tug, Papa n Shamarius
::LoNgESt FrIEnd:: Tug, (if family don't count) Papa n Shamarius
::NeWeSt FrIenD:: New friends don't exist. I gotta know you for a min for I consider you a friend
::mOSt LoYaL:: Tug, realest nigga I ever came across
::SeXiEsT fRiEnd:: I could put a name, but what would all my other women think
::mOSt TaLEntEd:: Me
::MosT dRamaTic:: Duke
::MosT lIkeLy To B fAmoUS:: DBBS Entertainment /everybody involved
::*ThIS Or ThaT*::
::cOkE oR pEpsI:: Don't drink soda
::McDOnalDs Or BuRGeR kInG:: Wendys
::yAhOo Or .. both, but yahoo is better
::RaIn oR sNow:: Definitely rain, good sex weather
::lAke Or OcEaN:: in honor of south beach, ocean, but I'm not big on water
::SodA Or JuICe:: water or 100% juice
::AdIDaS oR nIke:: overall nike, but I have just as many pairs of adidas
::kIssEs Or HuGS:: definitely hugs, cant be kissin everybody
::SuMmeR oR wIntEr:: if I'm in a relationship winter, single summer
::hOoKUp Or ReLAtIoNShiP:: I'd rather be with one, but hookups are cool for now
:ClUb Or PaRtY:: Club, especially The Hive
::tV oR rAdIo:: This is a dumb ass question. Nigga this is 2008
::RocK oR rAp:: This one is dumber
::WaLmaRt Or KmArT:: This is even worse. If you shop at K Mart, shoot yaself
::*RaNdOm qUEsTiOns*::
::WhaT aRe Yoo lIStEniN tO RigHT nOW:: Jess J, (I don't free promote nobody)
::LasT pErSoN Who CaLLeD yOO:: Don't remember, but I think it was some chick
::LASt PeRsON yOo cAllEd:: my lil brother
::lasT pErSoN YoO HuggeD:: some drunk chick at the club who knew me from somewhere
::Do YoO mISS anYoNE rIgHt Now:: My daugher Jade
::WhatZ yOuR fAv. FooD:: Tough one, but I'm goin wit grilled chicken
::DrInk Or SMoKE:: never smoked, but I'm known to get my drink on
::WeAr CoNTacTs/GlasSeS Need both, wear neither....Niggaz
::FaV.mOnTH:: probably may, my bday n close to summer
::WouLD yOO asK SuMWuN OuT:: do people really still go on dates?
::pEtS:: of coure not
::TaTt0oS:: shit no
::wOUlD YoO tAke A bUlLEt fOR sUmwUN:: hell yeah
::FuTurE jOb:: same as my current job, Boss
::vIrGin-YeS/nO:: I don't know, but ask my 2 kids
::KidS iN dA fUtUrE:: definitely
::NuMbEr Of PeOPLE kISSseD:: honestly, about 7. Give or take 1 or 2
::VaNilLA oR chOCoLAtE:: depends on the product, but probably vanilla
::eVeR bEeNIn LoVe:: yep
::dId ThEy KNo YoO LovEd Em:: I'd like to think so, but they didnt know how much I loved em
::pEacE oR fIGht For Your RighT:: in a perfect world, peace. On earth, I done got pretty good at fightin
::Do Yu LyKe ThUnDeRsToRms:: If I'm with someone I care about
::FiRsT tHoUgHtS wEn Yu WaKe Up:: Thank God for another day
::d0 yU gEt AlOnG wItH uR pArEnTs:: shit yeah
::EvA bEeN cAlLeD a TeAsE:: by women I really didn't like
::d0 yU tHiNk Ur SexXiE:: I'm ok
::Do Yu BeLiEvE n Ya SeLf:: without a doubt
::h0w MaNy DaEz 0lD r Yu:: I hope the person who wrote this gets hit by a bus
::WhT c0uNtRy WoUlD yU lIkE 2 vIsIt:: Japan
::eVa BeEn DuMpEd:: of course not
::fIrSt KiSs WaS wItH wHo:: she knows who she is
::Is ThIs AsKiN tOo MaNy QuEsTiOns:: I aint doin shit else
::ArE yOo DOne With THi SurVeY::
Record Label: DBBS Entertainment
Type of Label: Indie