..:ZOR@N:.. profile picture


Today wont go down in history!

About Me

just add me on msn [email protected] and you'll find out how super cool i am.

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My Interests

cars, xbox, knitting wikid cardigans, drivng realy fast, anime, my aquarium, sleeping, smelling prety flowers, having showers, brushing my teeth, cranes, doing homework, saving peoples lives, music, youtube

I'd like to meet:

Bunny Fart
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the devil wears prada, the locust, armor for sleep, eighteen visions, nodes of randveir, daughters, destroy the runner, bloodlined calligraphy, heavy heavy low low, DROP DEAD, GORGEOUS, the early november and heaps of other stuff


Donnie Darko (the worlds greatest movie.....), constantine, bill and ted, dumb and dumber, dumb and dumberer when harry met llyod, menace to society and a heap of others


XBOX 360 with HALO3 is the only i need a picture making box!!
