Nat profile picture


Lakers Playoff Fever is Starting to Set In!!!!

About Me

Pretty plain and simple. I'm by nature in a social setting with new people a shy and quiet person. Once you get to know me and i become really comfortable around you, i can say with confidence i'm one of the most generous fun loving person you'll ever meet. I will always take care of my friends and family wants and needs better than accommodating my own. I take extreme joy in exposing friends to new experiences... With fun and play comes work. Most people and even friends still don't quite understand what i do for a living. (When talking to some people they actually think i run a fruit stand at a farmers market or something). Bottom line i've had almost 20 yrs of work experience in my field. I've been blessed to be apart of a very successful family business that has provided me with networking and financial backing but since i've branched off into my own small company 6 years ago. I've had to rely on myself and my beloved employee (yes, i love my mexicans) to succeed in this business. Of course none of this would ever have happened without my mom, who had provided the intial investment and resources and still helps in administrative capacities and some business decisions. My job may not sound glamourous or impressive but my business has grown by at least 20% for each of the last 6 years with this year being the largest leap and still continuing. Now in my eyes that's impressive!!!

My Interests

volleyball, snowboarding, basketball, traveling, and eating out

I'd like to meet:

A nice clean cut person (men & women). One who is adventurous and will try anything at least once. Someone smart and ambitious, who know what they want in life and how to attain there goals. I love competitive people because they bring out the competitive fire in me. I believe among people with good souls and morals competition only brings out the best in people. It strives them too push themselves and be the best they can be...


entourage rules!!! espn sportscenter, sports, all the cable and hdtv channels