uhm,,,me??wat bwt me??..well, i really love reggae so much that if i could just raise bob marley up from the dead i would..i also love beaches coz it soothes up my "hard to please" soul...hehehe..im just an ordinary guy with extraordinary coolness and simplicity..well,thats what they say bout me and i can't do anythin bout it...kNw waT,i rEaLLy haTe pEopLe wHo tHinK oF tHemSeLveS S gods coZ thEy rEaLLy SucK!!!..i LovE taLkin WiTh SmaRt pEopLe coZ i WaNna kNow bOut thEy'rE oUtloOk iN lIFe And i aLso wAnna kNow HoW thEy peRceivE the diFfEreNt asPectS in Our DaMn lIFe..i HatE pEopLe ThaT arE tOo iNseNseTivE, tHosE wHo doEsNt kNow HOw To uNdeRsTanD ThE fEeLiNs oF oTheRs..iT rEaLLy paIns mE a loT sEEinG pEopLe cRy coZ i kNow HoW iT fEeLs tO be DeSpeRaTe cOz aT oNe pOiNt iN my liFe i ReaLLy FeLt liKe iM noThiNg..bUT wHat bOoSts uP my mORaLe iS mY faiTh iN tHe miGhtY oNe..Stay cOoL pEopLe!!..pEaCe oUT!!..LuV yaH aLL!!!..ü
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
B-O-B_M-A-R-L-E-Y ,che guevarra, hitler, and most importantly JESUS CHRIST...