[♥]My NamE iS Nancy Magana, n i luv it;)[♥]B-daY: OctoBer 2cD[♥]lovE danCing anYthinG[♥]ShoPpIng maKes Me HapPY[♥]RunNInG MaKeS me FeeL gOod;)[♥]InDePenDinT[♥]lUv da BoyZ (FUnnY,n SmART)[♥]My FamIlY meAns A lOt tO mE(unconditional luV;)[♥]GetTin TyPsy wIth mY GuRls;)[♥]BeaCh SummER TimE
Never Too Far
By Mariah Carey
..LiBRA *
-- Very pretty.
-- Very romantic.
-- Nice to everyone They meet
-- Their Love is one of a kind
-- Silly, fun and sweet.
-- Have own unique sexiness--
Most caring person you will ever meet
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