I never thought of myself as a "city girl" until I moved out here to the country. I'm currently living in Waynesboro, PA, a map dot just north of the Mason-Dixon Line. It has it's perks: always finding a good parking space, lots of delicious fresh local produce, an abundance of mullets. Though I do miss life in CT and will be returning somewhat soon. I have been married since Jan 2004 to my best friend, Jeff. I have a cute and smart 11 1/2 year-old step son named Kwynn and a beautiful spunky 2 1/2 year-old daughter, Gabrielle. I have been working as an RN for about 8 years, have spent most if it in critical care, which I love. Outside of work, most of my time is spent dong the Mom thing, interrupted by much needed GNO's, date nights with Jeff, and trips to CT. I have many blessings in my life: my family (by birth and marriage, I have great in-laws!), my friends and my hetero-life-mate, Lauren.