spending time with my family; travelling; coke; air conditioning; barbies; karoake; dancing; shopping; chocolate covered strawberries; bananas; Risotto; watermelon; messenger bags; prada purses; sexy/cute/unique shoes; giving/receiving crap from my friends; Lord of the Rings; first class naps; cuddlin close on the couch with a cutie and my coke; and laying in bed watchin tv in $1000 sheets from Ms Pomi!
I'd just like to meet God someday to hear him say "Well done, good and faithful servant"
Rock n roll (all types)Especially Keane, Linkin Park and Maroon 5 right now; christian contemporary; some latin; van; nora ...Keane-Somewhere Only We Know
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Lord of the Rings series; Transformers; Blood Diamond; The Departed; Godfather series; Gladiator; Patriot; Braveheart; Fast and the Furious; Scarface; Donnie Brasco; Goodfellas; Heat; Pirates; We Were Soldiers; Saving Private Ryan; Good Will Hunting; With Honors; Green Mile; Wedding Crashers; Swingers; Liar Liar; scary movies; mob movies; war movies; comedies etc
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American Idol; Lost; Entourage; The Loop; Everybody Hates Chris; South Park
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Bible; The Lord of the Rings series; A Tale of Two Cities; Great Gatsby; A Farewell to Arms; Simarillon; Arthurian Legend; Hemingway; Dickens; F Scott Fitzgerald; Koontz, etc.
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JC all the way, baby!! Definitely Billy Graham!!!!! Other notable hereos: Sydney Carton; Samwise Gamgee; Paul; Stephen; Bill Gates; inventor of central air conditioning; creator of coca cola; my mommy and my daddy!!!!
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