Mewsic,Reading,Dancing,Cooking,Hanging out wit my peoples.....and learning new things
Salsa,Hip hop,R&B,Reggae.....and new to my list Kompa....i just like everything!!!SOLDIER (Destiny's Child feat. T.I. & Lil Wayne)
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Beaches,Finding nemo,X-Men 3 (do u know who i am, bitch!)lmao,The color purple,Man on fire,Ace ventura pt.1,Documentaries,etc.etc.etc....
24,Sopranos,Cosby's,Fresh prince,Throw back 90210 (Lol)and of course my Ducks....Duck tales!!!
I know y the caged bird sings,100 yrs of solitude,Sisters of the yam,Yesterday i cried (thanx gurlz),Coldest winter ever,Addicted....just to name a few!!
My Grandmother,My Mommy Dearest and papi...without them there is no me and uhm.....She-ra...!!!