I am absolutely rationally insane... I fall in love quickly and with the very oddest people and insist on enjoying every moment, even the heartbreak... I gossip, but I am honest if you ask... I am a city girl, and I love that, and while it can be nice, I do not like nature enough to live anywhere near it, ever... I need a 24 hour deli by me at all times... I do things that are bad for me, and I do not feel guilty in the morning... I do not believe in regret and I believe that mistakes can be fixed, with few exceptions... Marilyn Monroe was a goddess killed by the Kennedys... I see too much into people, and believe that they are more than they usually are, and so I am constantly crushed but I do not mind because it is worth it when I am right, so so worth it... I believe that you can fall in love with more than just one person but I believe that your love for an individual is unique... I believe in soul mates, and I have found mine already, although we make terrible lovers... I do not believe in fate, faith or god, please do not apologize for me, I do not care if you do... I love the works of Ayn Rand... I hate people who believe that their lives are destined to suck... I love music, all of it... I adore charmingly obnoxious people, moreso the obnoxious ones, however... I am never ever punctual in any possible way... And I believe that even the damaged moments are still worth remembering.
I want a red dress.
I want it flimsy and cheap,
I want it too tight, I want to wear it
until someone tears it off me.
I want it sleeveless and backless,
this dress, so no one has to guess
what’s underneath. I want to walk down
the street past Thrifty’s and the hardware store
with all those keys glittering in the window,
past Mr. and Mrs. Wong selling day-old
donuts in their cafe, past the Guerra brothers
slinging pigs from the truck and onto the dolly,
hoisting the slick snouts over their shoulders.
I want to walk like I’m the only
woman on earth and I can have my pick.
I want that red dress bad.
I want it to confirm
your worst fears about me,
to show you how little I care about you
or anything except what
I want. When I find it, I’ll pull that garment
from its hanger like I’m choosing a body
to carry me into this world, through
the birth-cries and the love-cries too,
and I’ll wear it like bones, like skin,
it’ll be the goddamned
dress they’ll bury me in.
-Kim Addonizio
"Suddenly I see... why the hell this means so much to me."
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