I'm very interested in becoming one of those famous, rich people that you see on TV.
Naked, bi-sexual girls, Rob Zombie and hot Loveland bishes.
No wonder I'm so fucking broke all the time... Watch the vid below and then help Ron Paul ABOLISH THE FED!
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Frailty, The Life of David Gale, Shawshank Redemption, Awakenings and a buttload of other interesting, thought-inspiring ones.
Mad TV, Dave Chapelle, Wheel of fortune, Jeapordy, Everyone Loves Raymond, and just about anything on Discovery or the Science channel.
Pretty much anything by Stephen King, though The Stand is his masterpiece.. The Dark Tower series is very cool too.
Anyone who has the guts to risk everything for their dream, or anyone who does everything they possibly can to help someone they love accomplish the same.
And 2008 republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. He's inspired me to actually go vote. RonPaul2008.com