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Elysia Rose

No headline needed.

About Me

I am who I say I am. I believe I am a good person because I choose to be. I believe in the good of others amd that everyone has a choice about who they are and what their lives consist of. Anything I commit to I put full effort into and I make an effort to do the right thing. I procrastinate at anything important. Perhaps to make sure it goes right. I'm very creative. I love anything that takes a creative mind. I want to be a genius someday. If not today. I love everyone in my life yet I'm the biggest flake...maybe I just work too hard. One day my life won't be so hard and I'll have that house by the beach and have the best life a girl could have. If not today. I have a boyfriend of 3 years, 4 years in August(we're so close he's come to hate that title lol) I love him soo goddamn much that I find myself overjoyed. He's changed my life in so many great ways and introduced me to so many cool hobbies and interests. He truly is the love of my life. My family is crazy and always seem to be something I have to overcome but I love them all and think about them all the time. I have always been a loyal friend and have never intetionally wronged a friend, never would. I am very picky about who I choose to have in my life, I just don't want to get hurt again and when I'm in any relationship I commit to it as equally as the other person. I am who I say I am. Feeling frustrated? click here to arguea

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Good, honest, life loving people. People with something to offer, even just some good advise. People that think and can carry on a good meaningful conversation. People that are real and true to everything. People that have hope. People that will rub off in a good way and me on them...and yes Melinda you're good people, thanks for putting up with me bff. ..
Oh and this guy yummmm!


She wants revenge, Flyleaf, WolfMother, Bleach, The yeah yeah yeahs, Arctic Monkeys, Gnarls Barkely, Gorillaz, We are Scientists, Finch, Nas, Rage Against the Machine, AFI, Amy Winehouse, The Strokes, No Doubt, Ladytron, Weezer,Boy Kill Boy, The Gorillaz, The Kills, Blondie, Modest Mouse, Muse, The Lovemakers, Office, Taking Back Sunday, Editors, StarLight Mints, The Von Bondies, Asobi Seksu, Psapp, Arcade Fire, Be your own pet, Christina Aguilera, 30 Seconds to Mars, 311, Spoon, Janice Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Nelly Fertado, Biz Markie, Missy Eliotte, Mazzy Star, Nirvana, E40, The Foo Fighters, Veruca Salt, Justin Timberlake, Frank Sinatra, Etta James, Plumb, Jars of Clay, DC Talk, Adema, La Rue, Audio Slave, etc.


Grind House: Death Proof, The pursuit of happiness, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for make benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Brokeback Mountain, Donnie Darko, Suicide club, Kill Bill, Blood:The last Vampire, Zodiac, Weather Man, Ghost World, Secretary, I shout Love, Night of the living Dead (original),300, The Departed, Blades of Glory, The Lost Boys, Battle Royal, Blow, Clerks, 28 days later, Batman Begins, Nacho Libre, Garden State, V for Vendetta, Cronicas, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Closer, The Good Girl, Boys Don't Cry, How to Marry a millionaire, Maria Full of Grace, The Matador, Run Lola Run, But I'm a Cheeleader, 11:14, Crash, Black Snake Moan, Lord of War, House of Sand and Fog, The Wicker Man(original), The lost City, Marie Antionette, Requiem for a dream, American Psycho, The Machinist, Hotel Rowanda, Empire, Jarhead, Trainspotting, The Constant Gardener, The Virgin Suicides, Napoleon Dynamite, Lost in Translation, Man in the Moon, Half Nelson, Murder by Numbers, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original), Diary of a lost girl, Shaun of The Dead, The Birds, Psycho (origanal), Suspiria, American Splendor, Hero, and many more...


Dead like me, Project Runway, Six Feet Under, Sex and The City, Big Love, Buffy:The Vampire Slayer, I Love New York, Angel, Flava of Love, Nip/Tuck, That 70's show, Punky Brewster, Fraggle Rock, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Grey's Anatomy, I shouldn't be alive, Robot Chicken, Shut Up! with Staci London, Dirt, Cowboy Bebop, The Riches, Acceptable T.V., Myth Busters, Full Metal Alchemist, House, Intervention, Weeds, and Ugly Betty.


Water for Elephants, The Devil Wears Prada, The Giver, American Psycho, Left Behind Series, The Bible- Esther, The Rapture of Canan, Early From the Dance, White Oleander, Flowers in the Attic, Prep, Middlesex


Let me know when you find one for me.

My Blog

My biggest accomplishment...

I finally fucking finished school. After 3 long years of cramming pattern design, creative design analysis, textile science and everything else I can't remember right now into my big head I finally fu...
Posted by Elysia Rose on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 11:11:00 PST

Be back soon

She's been gone for a while nowDad really did a number on herLittle by little the shards are pieced together.For now she lay dormantin her little cubed cacoon.Ben's love is all she had,now it's growin...
Posted by Elysia Rose on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:00:00 PST

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President George W. Bush,I am but a concerned citizen and ask that you take my letter as seriously and with as much respect as I would for you. I have a very important question for you. WHY I...
Posted by Elysia Rose on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:09:00 PST

The secret...

So I must admit I've been very depressed. I really felt like I had the shittiest circumstance and it seemed like nothing good was happening or was ever going to. I kept thinking that if I was sad then...
Posted by Elysia Rose on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:20:00 PST

Here's more from my portfolio...

I've been trying to get more of my design up but this shit takes so damn long...My third group ROMANCE...............This was my favorite group....
Posted by Elysia Rose on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:57:00 PST

The New Me...

So things have switched yet again. I'm getting more settled at my new job and likeing it a lot better then most of the jobs that I've had. I also chopped off all my hair and donated it in honor of my ...
Posted by Elysia Rose on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 10:34:00 PST

My ass is gone...

Figuratively that is. I've been working my ass off at Janie and Jack for about a week now and even though it's hard work I feel like I'm on my way to my goals and so far I've really enjoyed it. I'm st...
Posted by Elysia Rose on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 02:01:00 PST

Rubix Cubed

I have a crazy story...ready...here it goesWe'll start at when I started this critical thinking class, you've read about that jerk and the angry letter and the apology letter I had to write:Turn:I sta...
Posted by Elysia Rose on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 10:46:00 PST

Code of Ethics

So I had to do this project for school where I interviewed someone at a non-profit organization. I did the phone interview with this guy who raises money for an animal shelter and then agreed to meet ...
Posted by Elysia Rose on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 03:33:00 PST

Whisked away to Monterey

So me and Ben don't usually do much for our anniversary. I find that if I put to much expectation into something it never works out the way I want it to and I just end up being dissapointed. Plus one ...
Posted by Elysia Rose on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 11:50:00 PST