ATTENTION ALL BANDS/SINGERS/RAPPERS/ETC.! If I have never personally met you, or been to one of your shows, I DON"T CARE ABOUT YOUR MUSIC! I WILL NOT ADD YOU!!! Save us both the time and troubleWell, what can I say? I'm care-free, laid back, crazy, and I'm been told I have a ghetto ass. I don't know, I guess I'm black from the waist down. ((Fake laugh)) I'm not racist, i just thought that tree looked kewl. (Sorry Alana and Aubrey). I can get along with anybody.
Hosted at MySpacePranks.comD D R CUZINT!!!
You are the BODY SPLASH! Whether it be a Five Star,
Shooting Star, or Money Shot, you are
destructive at the cost of hurting yourself.
Aim and let it fly!
What Wrestling Move Are You?
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