About Me
Mr. Man and the Sasquatches is a five piece band that began in 2004, but didn't come into their own until 2006. Their story begins a long time ago with one fateful night when Evil Sasquatch came over to Mr. Man and Rabid's lair holding in his hands an artifact that would spark the powder keg that would start the string of bands that would end up being Mr. Man and The Sasquatches. In his hands was an acoustic guitar and with it he played all kinds of tunes. Like Ariels from System Of A Down. and thats about it. None the less, Mr. Man and Rabid saw opportunity within and start right away on begging for instruments from their parents. Well Christmas rolled around and they got their wish. A bass for Mr. Man and a Guitar for Rabid, the band as almost complete. Realizing Evils brother played drums we joined him right up. Taylor was exceptional at his instrument, but Rabid didnt work to great with a guitar so he was booted. Soon after we had Morbid join up as vocals and we were ready to rock! Melincolia was now in full force. We didnt put to much thought in the name. After writing one song that we finally agreed didnt completly suck, Pyro, we jammed on that in every way possible. Then a very important man joined the band, Ivan. With him came a new band name, Emorva. He came in and filled the guitar that Rabid couldnt play. after a while with singing Morbid made the drastic move to guitar. Leaving Mr. Man to sing and play bass. Now in full B.O.C. style with 3 guitarists we settled. Then Morbid moved to turntables, I know, i was confused too. After a while with our heads up our asses Mr. Man realized that he could not play and sing at the same time. You think he would have mentioned that earlier. The way Rabid remembers it he was sitting on an amp whilst the band disscused the problem of Mr. Mans ability to sing and play or lack there of. Then, they made the switch, they took Mr. Man off bass and ,literally, stood Rabid up, put a bass in his hands, took his picture, put it on the web page, and thats when Rabid started playing bass. Best day of his life, he says. With the band changing around so much Ivan didnt like the instability and left so we were down to Mr. Man-Vocals, Evil Sasquatch-Guitar,Rabid Sasquatch-Bass,Morbid Sasquath-Guitar,Taylor Agraviador-Drums. After a while of that Emorva broke up. Then we all went off with our own little side projects. Then we started back up with a metal sound for some reason with songs like "shit", "When the demons come" and a black flag cover "rise above" The line up then was Mr. Man-vocals,Evil Sasquatch-Guitar,Rabid Sasquatch-Bass,Morbid Sasquatch-Drums. Then we broke up again for some reason. Then after awhile we started to miss working together, so instead of starting the band up. We started smoking weed. All except Morbid who got busted for it already. After the news that Mr. Man and Rabid would be switching to a new lairs they were worried that it would effect their time devoted to starting a band so they kept smoking weed. Well, eventually they got caught and it was ugly for a while. For 3 months Mr. Man and Rabid Sasquatch were imprisoned and the key was thrown away until sometime in September then contact was re-established. By then, Taylors interest in the band had diminished and he was out for good. Morbid had been slamming the drums, Evil was still jamming Guitar, Rabid had all that time to play bass and right after he got grounded Rabid got a guitar for his birthday and also got good at that, and Mr. Man had been making noises with his mouth for a good 17 years by then so he had a bit of experience.When we got to talking again Evil suggested a name change and Mr. Man and the Sasquatches was born, but what Evil wouldnt stop harping about a second guitarist and his answer would come in the form of Mr. Man and Rabids punishment. After getting sent to a christian school, for rocking the Ganja, Mr. Man and Rabid corrupted as many minds to question God and to listen to punk and metal. One of the People that listened was El Sasquatch. After convincing him to put his rap down we got him hooked on Rancid, Time Again, Slackers, the whole shabangabang. and after Rabid got him to pick up guitar and while being confident in his ability to practice we joined him right up. Soon after the band became complete Mr. Man and Rabid were moved out to the shittiest shit hole in AZ. Buckeye! While down here Morbid realized that not much could happen with this band so he left. After getting to know the kids in Buckeye Rabid met the only other punk in Buckeye Union High School, Rascal Sasquatch. After a while of getting to know him Rabid offered the job of drummer to Rascal and joined up excitedly. The line up was now Mr. Man-vocals, Evil Sasquatch-Guitar, Rabid Sasquatch-Bass,El Sasquatch-Guitar, Rascal Sasquatch-Drums. Rabid soon realized he was to hasty to recruit Rascal though. Rabid realized that Rascals attitude was a bit over the top and Rabid warned him if it did not stop then he could get kicked out. Well he didnt listen or didnt belive it would happen cause he didnt stop. Which ultimatley lead to his booting from the band. Now The Sasquatch hunter he ignores Rabid at school and continues to threatin Morbid and Evil and Thinks Rabid and Mr. Man are unreliable and to immature to go anywhere with music. With our band now having the opprotunity to record in Feb. or March we let Morbid know that Rascal hadnt worked outand he was more then happy to come back. Now back to the core members of the band we are egar to record and get some shows going. And the epic tale continues to this day, of Mr. Man And The Sasquatches.