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Artist Notion: An amazing blog featuring artwork from Dat Boi Drew, Sketch, Jerry, Juice Ink, and more!
Head to the blog to witness art tournaments, sketches, pin-ups, and just art in general!
After arriving home from training, Swiff is caught in surprise to find that his village is left in ruins after being ambushed by an unknown tribe. Witnessing his mother in her last seconds of agony only brought rancor and rage to Swiff. His father, Teishu and sister, Nia is no where to be found.
Little did he know, the tribe hasn't completley left the village...
(Issue 1 Coming TBA)
Swiff - The Legendary Tale By: Dat Boi Drew
An untold amount of years have passed. Quietly, the government and the scientific community has developed new ways to alter the DNA structure of a human by merging its characteristic traits with other species of animals. Now some how the knowledge has now been sold to the highest bidder, and creatures have been spotted in the public. Trained to be invisible and working under the orders of the government, will Indego the first born, ever find the culperate and his maker?! Stay tuned.
Indego Blue by: Sketch (
Check out my personal YouTube videos with tutorials on coloring, inking, sketching, drawing specific characters and much more! Make sure to subscribe!
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