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PER·SON·AL·I·TY [ pùrss'n áll?tee ] (plural per·son·al·i·ties) noun Definition: 1. somebody's set of characteristics: the totality of somebody's attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, social roles, and other individual traits that endure over long periods of time 2. characteristics making somebody appealing: the distinctive or very noticeable characteristics that make somebody socially appealing a partner with real personality 3. quality of being person: the quality of existing as a person Do you think that computers will ever achieve personality?CHAR·AC·TER [ kárr?kt?r ] (plural char·ac·ters) noun Definition: 1. distinctive qualities: the set of qualities that make somebody or something distinctive, especially somebody's qualities of mind and feeling It's just not in my character to behave that way. 2. positive qualities: qualities that make somebody or something interesting or attractive an old house full of character RE·SPECT [ ri spékt ] noun (plural re·spects) Definition: 1. esteem: a feeling or attitude of admiration and deference toward somebody or something He has no respect for authority. 2. state of being admired: the state of being admired deferentially 3. thoughtfulness: consideration or thoughtfulness 4. characteristic: an individual characteristic or point satisfactory in every respect RESPECT plural noun re·spects Definition: regards: polite greetings offered to somebody transitive verb (past and past participle re·spect·ed, present participle re·spect·ing, 3rd person present singular re·spects) Definition: 1. esteem somebody or something: to feel or show admiration and deference toward somebody or something 2. not go against or violate something: to pay due attention to and refrain from violating something respect the law respect another's privacy 3. be considerate toward somebody or something: to show consideration or thoughtfulness in relation to somebody or something [14th century. Via French Latin respectus, past participle of respicere "regard, look back at" specere "look at"] re·spect·ed adjective re·spect·er noun with respect to something concerning something
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