d-Train profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Slightly bent, swimming in a basil vinaigrette while practicing extreme yodeling and full-contact chess. I can say 'yes, no, hello, goodbye, please, thank you, help, and ooooh that feels sooo good' in 247 languages including three that are still "under construction" for future space/time travel. Steep yourself in a sublime tea of questionable values. Don't prioritize your schedule but schedule your priorities. Be here, live now, dream big, believe, be grateful every day even for the painful things. Smile when you least feel like it, go barefoot now and then, talk to old people often, offer the benefit of the doubt first, be amazed at everything like children are. All dogs are puppies! All values are questionable. Be! Did I mention that all dogs are puppies? I miss my dogs :(

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who are awake and alive! Lunatics accepted but psychos need not apply. Gandhi, Rumi, Francisco Alarcon, Billy Shakespear, Maurice Ravel, Monet, my other self, George W. Bush (there'd be some slapping involved!) And if there is one; God so I could ask him my one question: How're the real estate values holding up in heaven?

My Blog

X-treme Xmas

Alright.  The Holidaze is always a mixed bag for me these days.  I like the parties, gathering of friends and family, excitement of children, all the puppies and kitties we adopt out at the ...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 10:28:00 GMT

Burden of a friend

    The only burden you have ever laid upon me is your silence    It is deafening and far heavier    Than any woe you might have shared
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 00:29:00 GMT

Cast Off

TripingShippingSlippingInto my slightly crackedChampagne fluteHalf full of myselfGrippingDrippingSippingTender wineEach drop an ordained ministerBlessing the lipsWith every soft kiss of nectarNipping ...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 23:11:00 GMT

If at first you don't succeed, then sky diving isn't for you

Many of you have asked what happened to my music page.  Well, it died a horrible messy death.  Alas I have been remiss in replacing it but I've decided to wait until I have some new music to...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 14:55:00 GMT

Unwavering grace in life and death

  Those who know me well are fully aware that I can be a generally silly person sometimes bordering on the edges of normalcy.  But for this one moment I'll be serious before returning to my ...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 19:46:00 GMT

And so we begin...

You know, I put this fucking page up about 4 months ago and I'm just now getting around to putting something on it and inviting my friends to join.  I've got a lot of friends to invite so this ma...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 20:45:00 GMT