Lacrosse, camping, girls, skating, basically all sports, outdoor stuff...
anyone cool
Thursday, Underoath, Staind, Fear Before the March of Flames, Something Corporate, Further Seems Forever, The Starting Line, DJ shadow, Taking Back Sunday, From Autumn to Ashes, Victory at Last, Fall of Troy, Emery, Augustana, Thrice, Bloodlined Calligraphy, Straylight Run, Norma Jean, Mewithoutyou, The Juliana Theory,City Limits, James Blunt, Every Time I Die, They Said We Were Ghosts, stuff like that....Take the quiz:
Which HardxCore Band Are You?
You love post hardcore! You know your music. Your not an effing poser. You go to shows and know what to expect and have many friends. We need more of you.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Braveheart, The Patriot, Gladiator, Battle of Shaker Heights, Ransom, Don't Say a Word, Proof of life, Man on Fire, Manchurian Candidate, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, fuck Tarantino!
CSI. CSI: Miami, The Price is Right, Whos Line is it Anyway?, Myhtbusters...