We are always looking for people to work with us to share the work.
Every one who volunteers chooses how much time they dedicate to the cinema, and what roles they want to take on.
You can volunteer for a job, a one-off occasion, a regular weekly slot – however it best fits with you.
Some of this work you need to be in the cinema. Some of it you don’t. Some of it helps if you have a car. We have computers for computer work but a lot of it can be done from any computer.
Perks of the job – apart form the warm glow you get from making the Star and Shadow light up – are a free film in exchange for a shift you work and cheaper drinks while you are working.
If you would like to volunteer, whether that be with a particular skill or resource or a general enthusiasm to make the cinema run there are a number of ways to get involved.
* Come to a screening / event early and talk to us
* Come to a meeting (see below)
* Send us an email [email protected] or call the office 0191 261 0066 (answerphone if no-one in)
* Sign up to the volunteers mailing list. Send a blank email to [email protected]
This email list has information send to it about when there are specific jobs that need to be done, minutes of all our meetings and occasional responses to these that are necessary for all volunteers to see.
Any signed up volunteer can post to this list. Replies will automatically be sent to the sender rather than the whole list so your inbox will not be filled unintentionally!
The cinema has some systems in place which are there to make things easier for everyone and to make the cinema safe. We run inductions to working at the cinema – 2nd Saturday of every month at 11am – or you can have your own induction if you come in about an hour before the first shift you do and someone with the know-how will show you the ropes.
We have regular meetings every Monday at 6pm at the cinema. There is a flat (or no) hierarchy and anyone coming to a meeting can be involved in our consensus decision making.
Our meetings are:
* 1st Monday of the month – General meeting
* 2nd Monday of the month – Programming meeting
* 3rd Monday of the month – General meeting
* 4th Monday of the month – Programming and publicity meeting
* 5th Monday (when it occurs) – Social (we do something nice and don’t minute it!)