We're State of Affairs, a 3 piece, female-fronted, nicely-aggressive punk rock band from Northamptonshire.
Here is a short story about us:
SOA has been through many members and various changes before it
got to the line up we have now.
It started off as just something to help time pass by, but we decided to
start up a proper band.
And that was the begining! We've played various gigs and now have a demo.
We're hoping to record our full length album as soon as we can.
We shall see what the future holds...
The Band:
KT - Bass and Vocals
Age: 18
Favourite bands: Green Day, Bowling for Soup and The Offspring.
Stage Phobia's: Falling off the stage.
Intresting Fact: Me and Rob have the same birthday!
Random Fact: Likes to write her lyrics everywhere =)
Martin - Guitar and Backing Vocals
Age: 17
Favourite bands: Alkaline Trio, Green Day, The Rabble.
Stage Phobia's: Being Attacked by Rob.
Intresting Fact: Me and Rob have the same middle name!
Random Fact: Can juggle fairly damn well!
Rob - Drums
Age: 18
Favourite Bands: MyOnlyChance, The Devil Wears Prada.
Stage Phobia's: Slipping off the drum stool.
Intresting Fact: I have the same middle name as Martin and the same birthday as KT!
Random Fact: Is NOT Gay.
This is us and there isnt much else to say...