Currently playing drums for The Taz Taylor Band. For tunes, audio, video and tour dates... Check us out at or
Besides Rocking and Rolling and WhatNot...
I have a PHd in Random Nuclear Acoustical Applications from the University of the Congo. My favorite color is in the infrared spectrum and therefore un-seeable with the human eye. I have the strength of 10 men. I once rushed into a burning building to save a puppy. I am a prolific inventor with over a hundred patents, most of them licensed to NASA and Ron Popiel. My DNA is in high demand in most 3rd world countries for cloning purposes. I can solve a rubicks cube in 7.4 seconds. I perspire greatly, however I have no associated odor. I can hold my breath as long as I have ever needed to. I hold the world record for the longest unbroken string of profanities ever shouted over 90 decibels. I have played Russian Roulette with 6 bullets and lived to tell the tale. Once I reached the age of 40, my eyesight became sharper, my hair thicker and my back is stronger than ever. I am a wanted man in 12 countries, however in one small African nation I am revered as a living god.
Taz Taylor Band with Graham Bonnet in Glascow Scotland June 2007. Desert Song
Taz Taylor Band featuring Graham Bonnet - Glascow Scotland - Lost In Hollywood