Val Trainor profile picture

Val Trainor

About Me

Currently playing drums for The Taz Taylor Band. For tunes, audio, video and tour dates... Check us out at or

Besides Rocking and Rolling and WhatNot...
I have a PHd in Random Nuclear Acoustical Applications from the University of the Congo. My favorite color is in the infrared spectrum and therefore un-seeable with the human eye. I have the strength of 10 men. I once rushed into a burning building to save a puppy. I am a prolific inventor with over a hundred patents, most of them licensed to NASA and Ron Popiel. My DNA is in high demand in most 3rd world countries for cloning purposes. I can solve a rubicks cube in 7.4 seconds. I perspire greatly, however I have no associated odor. I can hold my breath as long as I have ever needed to. I hold the world record for the longest unbroken string of profanities ever shouted over 90 decibels. I have played Russian Roulette with 6 bullets and lived to tell the tale. Once I reached the age of 40, my eyesight became sharper, my hair thicker and my back is stronger than ever. I am a wanted man in 12 countries, however in one small African nation I am revered as a living god.
Taz Taylor Band with Graham Bonnet in Glascow Scotland June 2007. Desert Song
Taz Taylor Band featuring Graham Bonnet - Glascow Scotland - Lost In Hollywood

My Blog

New TTB CD "Straight Up" Due Out March 27th - Pre-Order Now!

The highly anticipated TTB album and follow up to "Welcome To America" is here !!"STRAIGHT UP"  will be released on Escape Music on March 27 2009 and is 11 tracks of pure, raw, heartfelt Hard Rock wit...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 13:30:00 GMT

Preview 2 NEW TTB tracks on tomorrow!

Check out the STEVE PRICE radio show on http://ARFM.CO.UK internet radio for a preview of 2 brand new tracks off the new TTB album coming soon!  Don't miss "Razor Tongue" and "One More Night".  These ...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:05:00 GMT

New CD is coming!

Just finished recording rhythm tracks for the new CD.   These new songs rock hard and have a great LIVE feel.   Taz has done some great work on these songs and they are chock full ...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 22:56:00 GMT

TTB "Live In Prague" Ultimate Bootleg DVD & Review

If you have not heard by now TTB has released a Live Bootleg DVD from the last show on the 2008 European Tour. Check out a recent review by a premier Rainbow/Purple fansite: Rev...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 14:20:00 GMT

European Tour 2008

I just got back from the Spring European Tour 2008 with The Taz Taylor Band featuring Graham Bonnet.  A huge thanks to all the fans that turned out throughout Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Budap...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 15:51:00 GMT

Hanging out with Deep Purple!!

Don Airey is a very good friend of Graham's and we had the privilidge of meeting him on the UK Tour.   Don, and members of his family came out to two of our shows and were just the nicest pe...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 12:40:00 GMT

Props from the peeps.. aka a troubled youth finds inner peace in a hostile world, ...

I am such a gentle and sensitive person.  My humble and kind ways are quite remarkable.  If I were to choose one single word to describe me, I would have to go with "Saint Val" (th...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 13:41:00 GMT