janene profile picture


life's rad in carlsbad!

About Me

i learn something new everyday...

My Interests

scrapbooking, photography, travel, reading, writing, music, movies, hiking, SCUBA, singing, drinking, laughing, napping, pool, driving, learning something new everyday...

I'd like to meet:

fun people in SD!a


tori amos, jack johnson, no doubt, cake...


killer klowns from outer space, the sweetest thing, the mexican


the price is right actually, i haven't even seen TV in forever; maye i'll get Tivo for my birthday...


anything and everything by stephen king, A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Tom Robbins, gregory maguire, harry potter series, and chuck palahniuk...


the men and women still fighting the good fight