cars gadgets guitars ties boobies live music mental health technology nutrition industry alcohol relationships human logic
See "Heroes." People who are able to think logically and above the usual topical nonsense.
down Abbey Road past Zeitgeist and every stop in between.
thanks, Andyman... Black Snake Moan There Will be Blood Shaun of the Dead Training Day Man on Fire Transformers The Departed Pulp Fiction Snakes on a(Motha' Fuckin') Plane Gummo Natural Born Killers Labyrinth live Zappa / ZPZ American Beauty Transformers Idiocracy Grandma's Boy
Entourage!! House, M.D. South Park Beavis and Butt-head
The South Beach Diet Book The Real Frank Zappa Book The Hobbit / The "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy The Zombie Survival Guide Fast Food Nation Jurassic Park Rock Guitar for Dummies
Fictional: Ari Gold, Lester BurnhamActual: Colby Dickens, Frank Zappa, Bill Hicks, Susan Z. Wright, Stacey J. Parrish & Juan Marquez