About Me
I got my Myspace layout from pYzam .
hi there! my name is richard but rich or richy will do.
Nicknames are Mush, Rainbow baby or Skittles
I'm 2 decades old aka 20
I live in Birmingham
I am simply...ME and thats why my friends love me for it.
Im a huge rock fan but also like anything with a good beat
I'm not gonna tell u how gorgeous i am, u can judge for urself by looking at my pics :D
Random, Sweet, funny, cute, shy and horny are my words to define me
I finished college, but hopefully finding a fulltime job in the summer!
Im learning to Drive but should be doing my theory soon!
I have 2 brothers whos andy (23) and stu (26).
I am a huge WWE fan
I <3 Guitar Hero!
My interests are playing games, chatting on msn, playing guitar, listening to music, meeting new peeps, watching TV, clubbing/pubbing and many more
I do ten pin bowling for a hobby, been doing it for around 12 years now, my highest game is a 297...twice lol(3 pins short of a perfect game)
My current and only job is a barman
<3 I have the most amazing person in the world in my life now, her names emma and i am so in love with her!!! I knew that the first time i met her i always thought there was a future for us 2 but here we are now as a couple! Emmie i never wanna lose you, you MAKE my life! You make my bad day into an amazing day even if its for 5 mins for 5 hours! i'm always happy when im with her, and im a better person when im around her, if i had to choose my future right now, it'll would to spend the rest of my life with her cus i feel that she is the true one for me, 20 years have been a long wait for me, and its finally paid off! Emma you mean so much to me and i want to love and keep you happy for the rest of my great life! Your my Mrs RKO, your my babykins, my baby boo, my princess, my queen, my one, my whole...my lips of an angel! <3
Well i hope that i didnt bore u and i hope you enjoyed my intro, but if you wanna know me more, give us a message or whatever and i'll get back to u :)
My Friends
Yorkie - he is simply awesome, the guy i talk to when i have a problem or need a guy to laugh with, his hair is sexy lmao rawrgh!! but i am proud to class him as a best mate! :)
Dan - this guy is off the fucking chain! the most mellow friend i have, his words are short and sweet and fun to party with, PARTY ON DAN! *waynes world song*
Lisa - shes probs my bestest girl mate i have and i thank her for it, we have our laughs...currently the number 61 and waking up with a snoring sound is our highlights so far and more will be made in the future!
Squirrel - hmmmmm the most randomist person i ever met, call him gay and he'll agree with ya but along the way, he will give me and others summat to laugh about!
Ceri - 1 word...MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE! ok maybe another word...stunning! she doesnt agree with me but she needs a slap for being so negative but shes great, and so blonde! *gives ceri a brain* lmao!
Hay Hay - again...blonde! but shes a kool person to chat to, still need to see her drunk like a rat-arsed donkey tho! but i can wait for that moment :D lol
Phil - this lad is one of the nicest lads ever, i consider him one of my best bowling buddies...and my bitch! muahah! kel should be a lucky person cus phil is one great guy, be sure to have a laugh with him and his crazy hand dances lol!
Nick - the guy i've known since lyndon, awesome person, dont know what everyone else thinks but i think hes a future rock star, keep it going dude and rock on!
Jamie - hes the closest friend i've had in a short peroid of time, we have such a laugh at college and outside of college, i know i can always talk to him if i need advice or just to chat casually :)
Sid - my fighting partner :D i win all the time cus hes a sloth :D but hes a great guy in college, he always finds a way to crack us into laughter :D
Kel - Well well well, when i think of this person, i think of life changing cus most things i did for the 1st time was with this person! she was my first love and i will never forget that, we've had alot of ups and downs, mostly falling out for about almost a year but we've grown up into amazing people, and we're just as best of mates than ever, i love this gal to bits and wish her and phil the best :)
Cant think of anyone at this moment sooo when i do, i'll put sommat about u, dont be offended if u aint in it, u are all great, u know who u all are!
me vs training!
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