Government conspiracies, aliens, ancient history, toilet paper, etc...
Beings from other dimensions. Oh and George W. Bush, if I met him I would, TAKE MY FIST, RAM IT DOWN HIS STOMACH AND PULL OUT HIS GODDAMNNN SPINE!!!!!!!! Assuming he has one.
Old school jazz funk psychedelic beebop hip hop schizophrenic hard rock
Madvillain Madlib & MF Doom -All Caps
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Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
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Beatles - A Day In The Life (1967)
A Day In The Life (1967)"Add to My Profile | More Videos
imaginary places video
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Natural born killers, pulp fiction, kill bill, lone wolf and cub, bowling for columbine, loosechange, muppets treasure island, The Yellow Submarine, A Hard Days Night, When Harry Met Sally, Borat, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Yada, yada, yada.
It's all about the x-files, six feet under, seinfeld, fraser, curb your enthusiasm, South Park, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family Guy, Ren & Stimpy, Looney Toons.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Finger Prints of the Gods, Supernatural, Talisman, The Inquisition, Witchcraze, The Hermetica, Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, Communion, Eyptian Book of the Dead, Osiris and the Egyptian Ressurection, and many many more.
Bill Hicks, Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Graham Hancock, John Lennon, Ghandi, Malcolm X, Jesus, Thoth, Osiris and anyone who has ever tried to fight against evil and put a smile on peoples faces, oh, and the Crocodile hunter(R.I.P.)