low profile sports like swimming.... ( and im good at it PUNK! ) amm what else.. yah a little basketball to build muscles in the butt are... and thats it.... im planning to ingage in music .. likw william hung... music is my life.. from classical to pop rock! from broadways to R&B .. whatever!!! and i like turkish beauty girls... specaily when they smile.. ahhhh1 melts the soul! (my soul that'is) and one more thing i would likre to stare at my crush until she gets the feeling of wierdness in me .. i dont care!!!!CAN U FEEL THIS PAIN????
any people that are interested are welcome... feel at home peps!!! but remember this not your home.
anything with SKA and reggea beat! yyeeeeeaaa!!
ahhh the boxoffice highlights! la lang! 50 first date, love actaully (hopeless romantic), spiderman 2 (for the kids) and all those movies that hit the charts...!!! ... did i mention SHREK 2.. oh man his a character! bwahahahahaha...
JACKASS, NBA TV, game shows (for boring days) and marvel super heroes
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