Vj FaUst profile picture

Vj FaUst

For booking or Information: vjfaust(at)gmail(dot)com

About Me

I'm aN eXpeRimEnTatOr...SoMeoNe wHo wAntS to dO eVerYtHiNg, gO EveRyWhEre, LiSteN tO eVerY mUsic... ExPeriEnciNg EverYtHinG tHaT Is nOt aGaInst mY OwNs oPiNioNs... I liKe tO mAke filMs, dAnciNg oN tHe wAveS oF sOundS... LoOkIng At tHe STaRs In ThE sKy, hOpiNg ThAt thIs wOrld Is NOt GoInG tO CoNsUmE iTselF bEcAuSe oF HuMan mAdNeSs. ArT iS fOr mE a bEtTer wAy tO coMmUniCaTe...iT Is A tHeRapie... aNd alSo a PoWerFuL WaPpOns tO ChAnGe tHe WoRlD wE LiVe iN. I'm AdDiCtEd tO oLd And nEw TecHnOloGies. ThOse aRe ToOls fOr a CuLtUrAl REvOLUTiOn To aPpenS.

Paint by Elizabeth Daly Ma chérie!




My Interests

film production, direction, editing, stop motion animation, Photography, vjing, MUSIC, technologys, Anthropology, Philosophy, Spirituality, Partys, Shows, Cultural events, As well as scientific events, Love, sex and chocolate...

I'd like to meet:

My already known friends but also new blood. I would like to meet other artist for collaboration and/or discussion...

I'm not afraid Anymore

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All kinds....Punk rock, metal, progressive, indi, rock, electro electronica, psy-trance/goa, drum and bass, break, hardcore, acid, dub, experimental, noise, industrial, new wave, trip-hop...music from everywhere in the world.


Like in music...there is good and bad in every kind....But i would say: Science fiction, Horror, documentary, experimental films, art film, films that treath of social and gender issues,some Old musicals, National cinema, surrealist AND czech animation films...


not at all...(beside documentarys about wild animals...) YOU SHOULD NOT LISTEN TO WHAT THIS SHIT IS TELLING TO YOU


George Orwell, René Barjavel, Tolkien, Kafka, Asimov.....


All the genious this world gave birth to...In science...In music...In every art forms...To many to tell.

My Blog

My new Myspace music profile!!

Hi everyone!I did myself a new profile to be able to add gigs and everything...There is also a new video on this page...Leave me comments!!! And don't forget to ADD ME AS YOUR FRIEND!!!!!! :DThe url: ...
Posted by Vj FaUst on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 12:54:00 PST

FaUst ProJEctiOn RoOm no.1

DOTS by Norman McLaren: painting on film + painting sound on film LES VOISINS by Noman McLaren: STop MoTiOn ANimE DIMENSIONS OF DIALOGUE (part 2) by Jan Svankmajer RAGE NE...
Posted by Vj FaUst on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:48:00 PST

Open Source Resistance ("Thank God For Trent Reznor")

Notre très cher Trent Reznor de NIN vient de starter un mouvement...Open source resistance"Is an attempt to bring together people who have MESSAGES and BROADCAST NETWORKS to get those messages out""th...
Posted by Vj FaUst on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 07:43:00 PST