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About Me

all filtrum music has been created lovingly note by note using the playstation 1 game ' MUSIC'..........once written, the song files were saved on a playstation memory card, before being uploaded into cubase. the memorycard was then wiped to prevent any rearranging of the songs or adjustment of the instrument levels in the audio track...........vocals and guitar were then added, and a final mix exported to CD-R ...........all original source files and cubase files were then deleted to prevent remixing, leaving just one original CD-R of the mixed tracks............this CD-R held the final product of many months painstaking work, and was put somewhere safe............filtrum then forgot where that safe place was...........three years on and the CD-R turned up inside the wrong jewel case.the music had matured and all the vitriol had turned to irony.its time had come....
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Member Since: 13/06/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: PLAYSATAN: pieced together everything note by note.NINTENDZIBUB: drew out PLAYSATAN's mechanical soul and wove it into the fabric of the music...he also played a guitar
Influences: videogames. soundtracks. peer pressure. comedowns. a lack of empathy and the ability to laugh at suffering. gossip. the main influence on us is the lists of what is hot and what is not in trashy magazines, and the availability of electricity.
Sounds Like: the bastard offspring of a cartoon addict and a games console
Record Label: feral ELECTRONICS
Type of Label: Indie

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