Football, Baseball, American Football, Music, online games, games in general, poker, philosophy and theology, history, food and politics.GO ROYALS! (That's Reading Royals, not the baseball Kansas City Royals. Thank you for making me clarify, you detail oriented bastard.)
David Gilmour (!!!), Edward Norton, Daniel Negraneau, Salma Hayek, Robin Williams, Elvis (dead :( ) OR IS HE, Elton John, Conan O'Brien, Billy Connoly, Steve Carell, Dane Cook and Paul Bettany.Kingsley Royal!
PINK FLOYD (!!!!), The Doors (God bless you Mr. Morrison) Elvis, Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, ("You know how I know you're gay? You like...") Coldplay, Dave Matthews Band, Jamie Collum, and Evanescence.
Pulp Fiction (anything Tarantino), Interview with the Vampire, The Green Mile, Apocalypse Now, American Beauty, Master and Commander, Tombstone, To Kill a Mockingbird, Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind and Dogma.
SCRUBS (My favorite show of all time), Battlestar Galactica, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, and anything on Discovery.(Now some U.K. television, although my schedule is EXTREMELY limited.)Reading FC Football. (Quietly a Spurs fan as well .)
Currently: The Historian, and anything by Bernard Cornwell.
Dave Gilmour, Elvis, Gandhi.It remains a mystery to me that Dave Gilmour, while being the front man for, in my opinion, the greatest rock band of all time, and being one of the greatest guitar players of all time, is still an unsung figure in music.