Bojangles profile picture


Let me take you to the boom-boom room

About Me

I like my back balcony. I like to sit on it and watch the squirrels. I like when people call me in high-pitched voices and make squirrel sounds like "titch-titch-titch." Squirrels do not like me. I would like to kill a squirrel.I like the front balcony. Sometimes people invite me into their apartments and sometimes I go into apartments even when I'm not invited.I like wrestling. I do not like it when people come home late at night from bars and call me Chubby Checkers. He is some stupid guy who made up The Twist. I am not him.
MySpace Layouts

My Interests

hunting (but not killing): mice, Mockingbirds, sparrows, blue jays, large tree rats, see-through geckos, pieces of paper, Simon the stuffed puppet

I'd like to meet:

The gay couple living in the first apartment on the second floor on the left. They buy wet cat food. My person will not buy wet food for me. Bitch.
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PitBull (ironic I know)




I cannot see in multi-dimensions. Therefore, television does not interest me. The people who live above me think that I like to watch movies. They also think I like pizza. They are so wrong.


The Red Pony


Puss'n'Boots (the old school version, not the watered down Antonio Banderas does a cat version in Shrek)

My Blog


I learned how to type!   I think that's blogworthy enough for the day.
Posted by Bojangles on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 10:14:00 PST