Cute Myspace Layouts
Alot of you Niggaz and Girls been claiming on Myspace you got Swagg or braggadocio as they call it.. lolLets .."Start.." from the Basics.. let me TEACH you .."Rift Raft azz ni99az n chics.." something cause I got Hella Swagg(Ask About me).. theres Just somethings You dont do and Say, Wear & Bragg about, and thats where swagg begins. Here we Go, Walk with me::swag·ger V. 1. To walk or conduct oneself with an insolent or arrogant air; strut.n.1. A swaggering movement or gait.2. Boastful or conceited expression; braggadocio. I see Rift Raftz on here taking pics behind cars that arent theirs.. Chicz Stealing other Girls pics..First off, Dont come on Myspace or whoeva space talking about how many shoes you got or Taking Pics of your closet (Good One Nad)ha! Thats like a NO NO as far as .."Having Swagg.." goes! Second, PLEASE .. I repeat Please dont talk about who you know on TV! That shows just how much you REALLY DONT have Swagg! (Another Good one NAD) haa, People will KNOW who you know if you rode your .."OWN.." .. i REPEAT Your .."OWN.." Swagg! Last we call something the .."Wave.." some call Swagg Wave.. Ride you Swagg and trust me people will know just how much your worth, NO need to tell or flaunt what you have when you REALLY have swagg! REMEMBER Swagger is a way you conduct yourself, Its a Walk.. a Strut.. a arrogance in air!Get your Swagg UP people.. Class is Dismissed...Gold Medalist Winner in the 2006 Winter Swagger Olympics held in Milan, Italy!..Love is something that grows in us. over time. the more time. the more love. theres only one love. no matter how many ways people make it. Love suprises us in every way. Its creates a bond between two people. and a feeling that never lets go. Your first love is the hardest to move away from. You..'ll never forget them. we didn..'t choose them. it was nature. It will hurt more than ever but eventually you will learn from it all. Then you reminisce about how your never gonna love anyone like them. and its true. but you will love again. and it..'ll be better cuz now you have had much experience. you might love many people but true love is hard to find. so just remember, love is just a matter of time. and when you find that one true person, never let them go cuz i garuntee you that you..'ll never find anyone like them ever again. ..
Mii Niece is a fuqin Clown!!....