Call me a poet. Call me an MC. Call me a social revolutionary. Call me an asshole. i am all of these at some point or other.
i have been a wordsmith for as many years as i remember, first a poet and now as an MC as well. Thanks go to Vertigo and OVA back in ATL for the inspiration to carry out the metamorphisis. My pen and my pad are my therapy team; i don't know how i could ever get by without them, and even with them there have been some times...
We need to carry out the social revolution with whatever tools we have. There is no reason why we should have starving people in a country with so much wealth. There is no excuse for having children beaten and raped by their parents in our own neighborhoods. We are all responsible for what happens around us. You and i and everyone around us have gifts available to us to stop the ills in this world. Find your gift, find your niche and make what difference you can. Any difference, however small is a difference.
Some assholes pretend to be nice guys. i'm that guy that tells you straight up "i'm a asshole" just so you can't say you weren't warned. If my words offend you, i'm not sorry, it probably means you need to wake up and read a real book once in a while. If someone needs help, i'm ready. But for those people who get off on the suffering of others, it is around you that my asshole nature will be exposed so watch the fuck out!..