I am the one and only Lala Brat.
Im a fun person, 95% of the time not shy. I love to take pitures, Yeah i'm a camera whore. I LOVE music, I mostly listen to goth/teckno/electro/metal & some other stuff thats still unnamed.I have a boyfriend, his name is isaiah, hes awesome and I Love him like I love My make-up. I Love the goth scene. I dont know if i am goth though. some say yes, some say no. i dont care, It makes me happy, so i dont give a shit! i'm very open mined, i dont like people who are assholes. i hate hyper girl-girls. I know ther are some people who talk about me, call me a whore/slut/bitch/fake, ETC. I Dont give a shit. Talk all you want (Really)I think Lifes to short for me to care what haters say, and it really dont mean shit me.
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