If there's one thing that i learned is to always be urself, dont go out looking for a successful personality and duplicate it, bc now ur endeavoring to be something that ur not by expressing what u see and not who u are. I understand that everyone in life has a different path of learning, but when u come across me, imma see right through u and u wouldn't realize it. And if u come at me the wrong way, ur not going to like what im going to say bc i speak the truth, so beware what coming out of ur mouth bc when i catch u ur not going to like it lol. I will touch on another topic, problems in life. Let me say this, everybody knows that we all have to do something we dont want to do in order to get where u want to be, right. But the problem is that, when a certain situation comes up, u really dont know what to do. Some people may say why does this happen to me only, and they end up putting up insulation around them, basically put a force field around them to bar themselves out from poeple of the world,good people mainly. I gaurantee u that anything that happens to u in your lifetime, other people can relate to it, some may go through the exact same thing. Now whatever it is may leave a scar, but like running water,it never grows stale:flow like water my friend, now whatever it is that ur going through is only for a certain period of time, but comprehend that each experience teaches u a lesson. I can understand how people feel, because u may feel as if though u r trapped. Free ur mind, be formless and shapeless like water. Im not saying im everybodys savior, but when im talking to u, the advice that i give u, its up to u to take upon what i said, for it is u that ultimately has to go on with ur life, ur in control of ur life, and regardless, of what it is ur endeavoring to achieve, no one cant say @..$... Be easy my peoples, there is a journey never to far for what u seek is so great. SCB Ronaldinho
What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)Updated
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You scored as
PassionYou are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?
Eyes full of Pain
Diamond Eyes