Someone to Love |
"There's this guy that I know wants to fuck me," she says, and laughs.
I don't laugh.
I don't laugh because I love her.
I love her, and she knows I love her.
She knows I love her, and that won't stop ... Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 23:05:00 GMT |
Death of a Hero |
Regret would be my answer.
Regret was what got me to this point.
Regret was what ultimately killed me.
Because I regret so much,
and yet,
I care so little.
How else could I have made so many ... Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 22:59:00 GMT |
The Difference |
Wrote this in early 2006. Just putting it here while I transfer some writing from file to file. Don't want to lose it.
There are certain things that you grow to expect from a person. From a fri... Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 22:48:00 GMT |
Backlogging |
Eh. Just putting them in a new place to access them.
Nothing special or new.
That sinister upward curl of your lips haunts my thoughts like a Sunday morning memory.The sound of your heart... Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 22:44:00 GMT |
These words were never easier for me to say. |
Let’s be daring.Let’s reflect on ourselves.Let’s expose ourselves.Let’s break down.Break through the bullshit.Change.
Set aside twenty minutes.Stare at yourself in the mirror... Posted by on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 01:28:00 GMT |
Youll find the cross only fits when your hands and feet are nailed to it. |
How can I keep up?How can I know who you are when you change every day?I saw a picture and I couldn’t place a name.You smile.You smile like you know a secret.You don’t know secrets, but yo... Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:45:00 GMT |
Musings... |
Do you ever look up at the sky and feel like it is beneath you?Not beneath in any hierarchical way, like you’re more powerful than the sky......But literally, as if gravity is really revers... Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 20:56:00 GMT |
A Rune and I-Ching inspired stream of consciousness |
LAGUZHonor yourself.Above all else, allow yourself to know who you are, trust where you've been, don't over-strive, expect the future.
EHWAZThe future is upon you. Changing.Anticipate reality, be adap... Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 01:19:00 GMT |
Nama-Rupa: Mind and Matter |
CITTA.The mind, the heart, your state of consciousness.Listening to this music is like nirvana. My perception of nirvana. My body swells with each crescendo. The discordance makes me very suddenly awa... Posted by on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 13:47:00 GMT |
When I think about the future... |
I can only take deep breaths and hope it remains as beautiful every day as this moment feels.Fresh, new, undiscovered.I feel like a piece of clay being molded every day into something so much more stu... Posted by on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 04:01:00 GMT |