1.Only Para-rp or Multi/para-rp.
2.No Pic Stealing
3.No One-liners (You guys suck)
4.No copy & paste replies (Or in other words, the same exact reply you sent someone else instead of making an original response, your a fat couch potatoe).
5.OOC only in messages (I'm fine with this, seeing as though its a good way to personally get to know the individual behind the writer)
6.No r/l freind request
7.If you request me, I'm expecting a starter in two weeks, or your erased, sorry.
8.If I don't respond right away, please don't get all fussy or start complaining to me. There will be times where I'm just too busy to reply, or maybe I'm not in the mood to roleplay. I will, however, reply. Unless you broke more than one of these "rules."
9.If your posts are long, expect a long reply. But if they're short, expect the same in return. So, basically, you're input determines the output.
10.Do not send me RP's in messages, I only RP in comments and blogs, sorry.
11.Make sure your replies are interesting, comments should range at least two paragraphs.
12.If your comments are boring, I wont even bother leaving you a return comment.
13.Have fun losers.
Guidelines, if you would.I. This profile is indeed RP only. Therefore things I do or say will be in character. II. I seldom talk in RL terms. And will rarely make the exception to do so. III. No pic stealing bitchez :P IV. My comments/messages will only be as good as the ones that I receive. And if I deem them worthless or mind blowingly stupid then it will be overlooked and ignored. V. If we haven’t spoken in a long time, I will delete you. There may be exceptions, but I will be the one to let you know whether or not you are one of them. VI. I do not comment pictures. So don’t ask. It gets really annoying. If I think the picture is worth commenting, I might comment it. It’s not the end of the world if I don’t. VII. Do not bring drama to my character. Cain is not here to babysit nor is he here to play psychiatrist. Bring unecessary drama, and I will have no qualms with deleting you. I'm generally a very patient person, but if all I ever hear is complaints then my warning will be to ignore anything you have to say. After that it's good bye.So those are the rules, capiche? If you can’t handle it, then tough. I’m not here to be Mr. Nice Guy, I’m here to RP. I would apologize for coming off as harsh, but I really don’t feel it necessary to do so. Everything I said is true. It’s the reality of things. And last but not least, for those of you who took the time to read these rules and actually follow through with them, thank you. Scrollbox Code from