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H3y 2 tha p30ple wh0 d0n't kn0 m3.My n@me!z Qu@n3sh@ Wh!t3 @k@ Qu!n3y,18.Born & r@is3d !n n3w 0rl3@ns,L0u!z!@n@,I've l!v3d ev3rywh3r3 fr0m upt0wn 2 d0wnt0wn,but r3P th@ 5th w/d 2 tha full3st.F0r th0s3 wh0 d0n't kn0 ! h@v3 a L!l 1 th@t !z 3 yrs old,Ant0n!0 C0j03 JR.H3's my 3v3ryth!ng & g!v3s m3 th@ str3ngth 2 h@v3 a life and b @bl3 2 sh@r3 !t w!t h!m.I l0v3 my son ,my h3@rt ,my 3V3RYTH!NG.Im v3ry independent and w!ll m@ke !t.
-Quanesha White