I am a DJ on college station KSYM 90.1 in San Antonio (www.ksym.org). I do the awesome Third Coast Music Network on Mondays at 3-7pm. Currently, I'm looking for a job in Radio. .................................. ............................................................ ............................................................ .................... **UPDATE** - I'm interning with the folks at the MorningX show on 101X (101.5 FM) in Austin. Call them up and tell them how great their show is sounding now that they got me as their news/coffee getter (800-561-KROX)!!
I am an Eagle Scout. ....
I tend to be smart/silly funny... I like to write jokes and script ideas that may never ever be used. I like being funny at the risk of being dorky, or dark, or dumb... But never obnoxious, insensitive, or foul. ....
On look-a-likes: -- Some people have awesome look-a-likes. I used to be told that I look like Dana Carvey (see old family photo in my gallery). Just recently, I had a stranger say that I look like a homophobic, racist, ex-baseball could-have-been. I'm not sure, but I think she meant John Rocker and not me personally. Oh, I did get a "Mel Gibson" once, "Tom Cruise" a couple of times because I squint my eyes, and I did get a "Mel Brooks." The guy was a customer at Macaroni Grill and his hunger pains diluted his thinking. ....
On stuff that ticks me off: -- I get extremely furious with stupid people. For me, 'ignorance' is not knowing the truth and 'stupid' is blatantly denying it. I am working on being polite less and being extremely furious AT stupid people more. Internalizing is overrated. ....
..Nick Swardson - Secret Stand-Up
I was there... It was a blast.
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
-----------------Commercial Fail
more owned, pwned fail pix and vids
Pen Trick Fail
more owned, pwned fail pix and vids
Awesome... Wait for the end, and don't be drinking coke at the same time.
Star Trek + Nine Inch Nails = Closer