abercrombie. abuse . addictions . acuras. animals. anorexia . beach. best friends. being true to myslelf. being different. blankets.
bubble baths. cheering. confusion . corgis. cuddleing. cruelty . clocks . depression . destiny. exceptence. expectations. falling in love. family. fake people . fridays. full body massages. gluten . God †. going to the movies. gymnastics.
health. heartbreaks . insperational poems. kissing. laughing.
laughing at myself. lies . makeing new freinds & spending time with old ones. money . music.
lonliness . pedicures. peirceings. people that yell . people that talk shit . pictures. photography. prayers. procrastination . quotes. running.
sadness . snow. sleeping when its rainng out. sports. the sun. takeing risks. tattoos. true freinds. underwear .
Anyone in the fight
the only thing you will
ever really need, is someone
who will believe in you.
And when you crawl over broken glass to get me thats when I'll let you stay.
Anatomy Of Anorexia
The Best Little Girl In The World
Life Without ED
A Million Little Peices
Briannah Gallo