Myspace Layouts at / Alien bite
im a 34 year-old cool,fun loving dude with a wide array of various passions and interests. do not judge by what u see. scratch my back, and ill scratch yours. youre not perfect,i am not perfect, so i owe u no explanation. loyalty and honesty runs deep in the soul,not in who flaunts material possesions ahead of being human to others. i hate racist bigots who somehow think theyre better than others, and i hate those who bash little people(yeah, lets get rid of the "midget" word )and discriminate against hadicapped persons(though i admit some of them crack me up-love ya,cuz!!). i am a lover of life itself, a sharer of peace, and a giver of wisdom and happiness. so please, dont fuck it up...(+) i do private transportation with my 7-passenger suv. my clients include several metal bands, party-goers, outdoorsmen, fishermen, and various friends and aquaintances. I'm also a member of rock&rolls biggest, littles sensation MINIKISS! The worlds first and best kiss tribute band that features little guys in kiss drag. Check out our myspace and goto MINIKISSONLINE.COM-THANK YOU TO ALL FOR SUPPORTING MEMyspace LayoutsMyspace Graphics
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