I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Alien bite

im a 34 year-old cool,fun loving dude with a wide array of various passions and interests. do not judge by what u see. scratch my back, and ill scratch yours. youre not perfect,i am not perfect, so i owe u no explanation. loyalty and honesty runs deep in the soul,not in who flaunts material possesions ahead of being human to others. i hate racist bigots who somehow think theyre better than others, and i hate those who bash little people(yeah, lets get rid of the "midget" word )and discriminate against hadicapped persons(though i admit some of them crack me up-love ya,cuz!!). i am a lover of life itself, a sharer of peace, and a giver of wisdom and happiness. so please, dont fuck it up...(+) i do private transportation with my 7-passenger suv. my clients include several metal bands, party-goers, outdoorsmen, fishermen, and various friends and aquaintances. I'm also a member of rock&rolls biggest, littles sensation MINIKISS! The worlds first and best kiss tribute band that features little guys in kiss drag. Check out our myspace and goto MINIKISSONLINE.COM-THANK YOU TO ALL FOR SUPPORTING MEMyspace Layouts
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i like to meet all types of people who are open minded and have unusual interests as well as being outward, honest, straight up and cool. metalheads and all kinds of musicians, artists, animal lovers who also tolerate hunting, campers+nature lovers,boaters ,fishermen,outdoor thrill-seekers i will shake hands with any soldier out there fighting for our rights and freedom, and any second-amendment supporter. any biker that loves to ride regardless of brand. why would i want to meet you? because u want to meet a loyal, mature ,crazy , fun well rounded guy and value my trust and we wont let each other down . actors tom sizemore,bruce willis,tom hanks,arnold schwartzenegger,and robert de niro...

Horror Pictures at

My Blog

feeling cranky....

yeah, a moment where one hardly feels inspired. after some odd years deep into it all , i barely feel a desire to stay in the fight. time now stands still where life itself presents nary a challenge w...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 06:27:00 GMT

we cry inside....

i can remember a time when i had a highly creative streak inside me. no, not just the clownish personality i ususally exhibit today. i once played electric bass for bands and wrote songs and poetry. l...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 19:57:00 GMT