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Watch the VideoHere is The Sketchy Channel featuring comedy team Dave and Tom
Here are some samples of our work from the website www.daveandtom.com and from our ITUNES Video Podcast.If you enjoy our comedy PLEASE ADD US AS A FRIEND..We'd love to hear from you and keep in touch and hopefully give you a giggle.There's a LOT of comedy in the world but so little fun... width="425" height="350">.. ..>.. width="425" height="350">.. ..>.. width="425" height="350">.. ..>CLICK ON ANY OF THESE TO WATCH
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Man's One Sexy Wish - The most popular videos are a click awayIF YOU LIKE THE GENIE PUT HIM IN YOUR CELL PHONE!SEE THE DVD ON SALE AT AMAZON ONLINE HERE!Archaeology of Comedy Part 1 .. Brought to you by cruxy.comArchaeology of Comedy Part 2 .. Brought to you by cruxy.com
Invention with Brian Forbes : Private Star Trek....