I like drawing picture's, like playing arcade games also like learning about astral projection, afterlife,
I like to meet all the nice people in the world and beyond a few on earth i like to meet are, Buddha monk ,jackie chan,spirit of bruce lee, worlds kindest person's, alien , Spirit Bob Marley , David Icke Demon , angel ,past life version of myself, Fairy,Godzilla, anyone wants to talk to me on myspace/cyberspace/real world are all welcome to do so.
I like all kinds of music
Oh like soo many film like back to future 1,2,3 ,star war 4,5,6 , boyz in the hood, phantasm 1,2, ,nightmare on elm street, Alien ,Aliens ,Titanic,Demons, Megazone 23,Cybercity Oedo,Orguss 02, Robotech series,Hellraiser,blade 1,2,3 much much more movie if i said them all you be here all day reading the long list
Crazy about watching soap like eastender, coronation street , hollyoaks , The bill sometimes ,home & away also like watching dispatches ,anything about what happening in the world, wildlife programme sometimes oh and sci-fi drama's like stargate SG-1, most haunted dead famous,haunted hotel
Egyptian Magic , Egyptian Book of the dead, tibetian book of the dead
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