dylan i'll miss you so much:For all of you who live in New York and know me personally, please read this.
(If you don't want to read it all, it basically says I won't be coming back to New York)
I lived in New York with just my dad. I had come here to California where I used to live to visit family in which I haven't seen for 2 1/2 years. About a week before I go back home to New York, I get a call from my dad. Because the situation is personal, I will only tell a trusted selected few what really happened, just ask. As for the rest of you, all you have to know that I won't be coming back to New York for a year or so. I may even stay here permanently. I know this sucks, but it wasn't my choice. I have nowhere else to go in New York.
For all of my close friends in New York, I am really sorry for my sudden disappearence. Hopefully we will meet again.
danm thoughs were his last wordswisin y yandel - sexy movimiento
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